Flow Conditioners, Flow Nozzles & Venturi's, and Custom Accessories

The most tested flow conditioner in the industry
The CPA 50E is designed to produce a swirl-free, fully developed flow profile, improving reliability and reducing error, while also shortening the meter run.
- Available inventory for fast delivery. Stocked in ANSI raised face Type A configuration, sizes 2 – 16 inch, schedule 40 and 80, 316 stainless steel material.
- Can be custom manufactured for pipe sizes from 3/8″ – 48″.
- Available in Carbon Steel, 316SS, 304SS, Aluminum, Hastelloy, Duplex, Monel, Inconel, Titanium, etc.
- Applicable to types of flow meters including orifice, ultrasonic, turbine, Coriolis and more.
- Suitable for use in all types of fluid including natural gas, oil, water, steam, liquid petroleum and more.
- Compatible with CPA FloAlign and CPA Paddle Tabs to aid lifting, inspection, installation, and alignment.
- EN 10204 3.1b material quality reports are included with every order and are available in our online database.
- AGA3, AGA9, OIMLR-137 and much more data is available!
- Comprehensive product and technical support from CPA’s engineers, including CFD recommendations, compliance letters, etc.
CPA 65E Features
- Optimized for liquid applications and scenarios where minimal pressure loss is critical.
- Half the pressure drop of typical plate style flow conditioners!
- Designed for Gas/Liquid Ultrasonic, Turbine and Coriolis applications (not recommended for critical dP applications).
- Increased swirl and cross flow elimination compared to other flow conditioners; swirl remaining after the CPA 50E is reduced by half!
- Lower amounts of turbulence are generated and noise levels are up to 30 dB lower than the CPA 50E.
- Recommended for 5D/5D meter run configurations.
- Recommended for less severe measurement scenarios where pressure drop is a significant concern.
- Available in a range of sizes, from NPS 2 to NPS 36, including custom sizes. Available in all installation styles, including Types A – D, and custom installations.
- Wide range of material options including Carbon Steel, 316 Stainless Steel, Duplex, Hastalloy, Inconel, Monel, etc.
Raised Face Configurations
The CPA Type A is designed for typical ANSI raised face configurations, which is the most common type of flow conditioner installation used in the industry.
- Available in a range of sizes, from Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 1/2 inch to NPS 48 inch.
- Wide range of material options: 304 Stainless Steel, 316 Stainless Steel, Inconel, Monel, Duplex, Hastalloy.
- Available inventory for immediate delivery. Inventoried sizes are 316 stainless steel, 1 inch through 20 inch, and schedules 40 and 80.
- In 1/2 inch to 20 inch sizes, ASME/ANSI configurations are compatible with all ANSI ratings of 150# through to 2500#. The same flow conditioner can be used for all ANSI ratings.
- Custom designed sizes and flange standards available including API and JIS. Please contact CPA for more information.
Full Width Wafer Option
The CPA 50E, 55E, and 65E flow conditioners are available in a Full Width Wafer Option (FWO) for ANSI raised face applications.
The Type B or FWO uses a flange lip that is the same thickness as the actual flow conditioner, and does not insert into the pipe when installed. This allows the flow conditioner to easily slide in and out of the pipe without having to spread the flanges apart. (See below for Installation Information.)
- Compatible with all standard raised face flanges including ANSI ratings of 150# to 2500#.
- Available in a range of sizes, from Nominal Pipe Size (NPS) 1/2 inch to NPS 48 inch.
- Wide range of material options: Nickel Surfaced Carbon Steel, 304 Stainless Steel, 316 Stainless Steel, Inconel, Monel, Duplex, Hastalloy.
- Custom designed for every application. Special sizes and flange standards available including API and JIS.
Small Diameter Applications
The CPA Type C is for small diameter (2 inch to 4 inch) applications that do not have a flange available for flow conditioner installation.
The Type C is designed to be inserted into the pipe and held in place by a set screw. Since the Type C is fully enclosed by the pipe wall, it is not considered pressure containing, and does not have any specific pressure rating. (See Installation Information.)
- The CPA TBR/TBRL is applicable for all gas volumetric metering applications: Orifice, Ultrasonic, Venturi, Vortex, Turbine, Cone, etc.
- Installs by pinning into the pipe with a set screw. Flanges are not required.
- Available in classic (TBR) and extra long (TBRL) designs.
- Available in 2” ‐ 4” sizes, 316SS NACE MR0175.
- Eliminates swirl and provides a fully developed velocity flow profile.
- Detailed pressure drop calculations are available.
- CPA TBR/TBRL is not recommended for liquid applications due to the application pressure drop overwhelming the set screw strength.
- CPA recommends a minimum 13D meter run length (5D upstream, 8D downstream). AGA 3 (2000) performance data is available.
Designed for applications using ring type joint gaskets
The CPA Type D is designed for applications using ring type joint gaskets. The Type D flow conditioner is manufactured to match the pressure rating for the flanges and gaskets.
There are two additional subtypes of the Type D flow conditioner: the RTJ female (RTJF) and RTJ male (RTJM).
In an RTJF configuration, installation of the flow conditioner involves placing the flow conditioner between two ring type joint flanges and matching ring gaskets.
- Customized design for every application with a wide range of size and material options.
- Available for ANSI ratings 150# to 2500#, API 2000 to 20000, and Norsok Compact Flange.
- Can be designed to accommodate ASME 18.15 Forged Eyebolts.
- Fully compliant with RTJ blank thickness minimums specified in ASME B16.48‐2005 and ASME B31.3‐2004.
CPA recommended lengths are suggested minimums for custody transfer measurement; any combination of UL1 & UL2 longer than listed is acceptable.
Shorter lengths can be used for non‐custody transfer applications.
CPA recommended lengths will allow a flow meter to have significantly increased performance versus the same straight pipe recommendation without any flow conditioning.
CPA recommends a flow meter calibration at a recognized flow calibration facility to maximize performance of all types of flow meters.